Dacthal w 75 label

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DACTHAL W-75 Herbicide. A selective preemergence herbicide for control of annual grasses and certain broadleaved weeds in vegetable crops. Read entire label.Notification per Pesticide Registration Notice (PRN) 2007-4. Dacthal W-75 Turf. EPA Reg. No. 5481-491. Application Dated February 7, 2013.A selective preemergence herbicide for control of annual grasses and certain broadleaved weeds in vegetable crops. Read entire label carefully.View the product label for Dacthal W-75 from AMVAC. See active ingredients, product application, restrictions, and more at Agworld DBX,.Cultivate soil to remove established weeds. Apply DACTHAL W-75 and lightly incorporate with suitable equipment. Rates of Application and Weeds Controlled:.US EPA, Pesticide Product Label, DACTHAL W-75.US EPA, Pesticide Product Label, DACTHAL W-75, 05/23/2013CAUTION - CDMS.net

DACTHAL® W-75 Herbicide (75% Wettable. Powder). READ LABEL BEFORE USING. CAUTION KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. GUARANTEE: Chlorthal (present as dimethyl.Dacthal® W-75 Herbicide. Product label. This product used for comparison purposes only and not available for purchase on FBN. Product details. Resources.DACTHAL® 75% wettable powder is a pre-emergent herbicide that controls many tough weeds, including crabgrass and other annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in.DACTHAL® W-75 Herbicide (75% Wettable Powder). READ LABEL BEFORE USING. CAUTION. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. GUARANTEE: Chlorthal (present as dimethyl.with vegetated filter strips, and highly erodible soils. DACTHAL FLOWABLE HERBICIDE. A selective preemergence herbicide for control of.Dacthal W-75 - AMVAC - Agworld DBX - Greenbook.netDacthal W-75 - Amvac Chemical herbicideDACTHAL® W-75 Herbicide (75% Wettable Powder). juhD453gf

Stops difficult-to-control broadleaf and grass weeds before they emerge. Provides residual activity, season long foundation control, with excellent crop safety.Maximum Sandea applications per year is 2 and do not exceed 2 oz/A during the crop season. 3. Dacthal 6F. Dacthal W-75. 8 to 14 pt/A. 6 to 14 lb/A.Sep 4, 2014 - Dacthal W-75 Herbicide DCPA - 24 Lb for use in preemergence application for control of crabgrass and other annual grasses and certain.The use of any pesticide inconsistent with the label directions is a. Identify the herbicide site of action group number and follow. Dacthal W-75.Dacthal W-75 Herbicide. A selective greemergence hatode for control of annut orasses and certan broadrie wetts vegetable crops.For any supplemental labels and information pertaining to the state by state availability of one or more of these herbicides,. (Dacthal) W-75, 6F.Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling. Replanting crops other than those Included on this label in DACTHAl treated soil.SUBJECT: Label Amendment. Dacthal W-75 Turf. YASH I NGTON, D.C. 20460. EPA Registration No. 50534-20. Your Application Dated December 31,.A seloct ;vc prcclllorgcnce herbicide for nurseries lind professionlil. before /ieed seed germination of 20 pounds of DACTHAL W-75 nlRF.2012 label requirements: Buffer zones, Buffer. respirator (with new cartridges) is worn and sensory irritation is not experienced.The use of any pesticide inconsistent with the label directions. as classified by the Herbicide Resistance Action Committee (HRAC,. Dacthal W-75.Dacthal W-75 Turf. Turf Care. Turf and Ornamental Herbicide (75% Wettable Powder). 0. Keep Out of Reach of Children. CAUTION:.DACTHAL W-75. F G G G G. N – N G N N F N N. – – – – N N N. DEVRINOL 2-XT. G E G G G. P – F G P P G F P. P P P F P P P. DUAL II MAGNUM or. KOMODO HERBICIDE.Growers now have a new option for pre emergence weed control with the granting of a specific off-label approval (SOLA) for the use of.DACTHAL W-75 es un herbicida selectivo utilizado como preemergente en el control de zacates anuales. Beneficios Generales. Se acción como preemergente permite.Output Reporting ; INACTIVE, 12/31/09, DACTHAL G-5 HERBICIDE ; INACTIVE, 12/31/00, DACTHAL W-75 ; INACTIVE, 12/31/15, DACTHAL W-75 ; INACTIVE, 01/03/84, DACTHAL W-.chemicals have been registered with the Federal Food and. Drug Administration. same herbicide on the same crop, especially if the soil. Dacthal W -75.w. Pabit:, L. S. L. - i . TRUSTED SLKCE 1976. ធម៌. KESERVABLE. EASY TAB. Weed. Preventer at. FREE食代. Contains DACTHAL® 75% W.Pto glyphosate formulated with nonionic surfactant may result in. May be used with a registered grass herbicide. Reduced. (Dacthal) W-75. (Dacthal) 6 F.Dacthal W-75 Herbicide. A selective preemergence herbicide for control of annual grasses and certain broadleaved weeds in vegetable crops.Dacthal- W-75 TUrl. EPA Registration No. When final labels are printed, describe gloves as ·chea1cal. Fungicide-Herbicide Branch.Material name. DACTHAL W-75 Herbicide. Version #. 01. Issue date. 07-16-2015. CAS #. Mixture. MSDS Number. 291. EPA Registration number.TOXIC SUBSTANCES. Subject: Label Amendment Submiss10n of CD/14/93 in Response to PR Notice 93-7. EPA Reg. No. 50534-1. DACTHAL W-75.Introduction. Selective herbicide for the control of annual grasses and many broadleaf weeds in: Onions, Forest Nurseries and Ornamentals.Any product listed below, which includes the term Master Label in front of the. PRODUCT: DACTHAL W-75 FOR TURF; REGISTRATION NUMBER: 677- 262-AA.Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control. DACTHAL W-75 is a preemergence herbicide which provides effective control of.Subject:Label Amendment Submission off1J/15/93 in Response to PR Notice 93-7. EPA REG. NO. 50534-20. DACTHAL W-75 TURF. Dear Registrant:.A selective preemergence herbicide for control of annual grasses and certain broadleaved weeds in vegetable crops and ornamental turf. Read entire label.Dacthal W-75. (6–14 pt). Dacthal Flowable. (6–14 pt). Most established and newly seeded grasses. See label. Some annual grassy and small-seeded broadleaf.Herbicide. Supplemental Labeling. DACTHAL W-75 HERBICIDE. (BPA Reg. NO. 611--166) -. / ( I. I) ( :/ ) -. APPLICATION ON RADISH.used must be applied in accordance with label directions. By editing this publication, the New Brunswick Department. Dacthal W-75 (chlorthal dimethyl).Herbicides with different MOAs should be used in weed resistance management. See label for insecticide interactions and recropping. DACTHAL W-75.DACTHAL® W-75 Herbicide;. DACTHAL® W-75 Turf. AMVAC MSDS No.: 291_3. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET. 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION.DACTHAL® W-75 Herbicide;. DACTHAL® W-75 Turf. AMVAC MSDS No.: 291_6. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET. 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION.

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